Multhana & ADCO Contructions - Commercial Cleaning - via Cross River Rail

Image: Pimpama Station concept design (supplied by Cross River Rail)

ADCO Constructions have engaged Multhana to provide cleaning services to the new Pimpama Station development as part of the almost $5.2 billion road and transport plan for the Gold Coast.

Multhana are delighted to have the opportunity to work closely with industry partners to support infrastructure development in Southeast Queensland. The Pimpama Station development marks Multhana’s fourth contract with ADCO Constructions – this time in Bundjalung Country (Pimpama).

Multhana’s Managing Director, Joseph ‘Joey’ Wallace, is thrilled to have Multhana on board with ADCO Constructions again, highlighting the positive impacts of Indigenous procurement for some of Queensland’s largest infrastructure and transport projects.

“We’re excited to work with ADCO again to provide cleaning support on Bundjalung country,” he says.

“As a Supply Nation certified Indigenous business, engaging Multhana directly supports reconciliation and employment outcomes for First Nations people.”

Pimpama is one of three sites where stations will be constructed on the Gold Coast Line as part of the Cross River Rail New Gold Coast Stations project, with Hope Island and Merrimac comprising the other two sites. Multhana is set to provide infrastructure cleaning services to the Pimpama site, including cleaning the construction site’s crib rooms and amenities.

Multhana & ADCO Contructions - Commercial Cleaning - via Cross River Rail

Image: Pimpama Station works and vehicle movements map (supplied by Cross River Rail)

In the Kalkadoon language, Multhana translates to ‘coming together to help each other’. This mission directly aligns with Government Minister Meaghan Scanlon’s outlook for the project.

“We’re making it much easier to move around the Gold Coast, and helping Queenslanders spend more time enjoying our great lifestyle,” she said.

“Whether you’re pushing a pram or in a wheelchair, you will have a good passenger experience at the new Pimpama station.”

Multhana’s professional cleaning services will assist the project in improving safety and aesthetics at the Pimpama site, as well as to meet compliance regulations.

Multhana looks forward to growing its strong relationship with ADCO Constructions and Southeast Queensland’s infrastructure sector.

Multhana delivers professional cleaning to infrastructure projects in Southeast Queensland. As an Indigenous business, we work closely with governments and contractors to support reconciliation initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through our services.

Find out more about our commercial cleaning services here: